Symphony No. 3 "Auschwitz"

Symphony No. 3 “Auschwitz” is dedicated to the victims of senseless murders in the Auschwitz-Birkenau concentration and extermination camp.

I. Train
II. Chamber
III. Burning of the Dead
IV. As Auschwitz Sleeps

Program note

No words can describe the atrocities committed by the Nazis upon Jews and many other ethnic minorities. Their actions must be condemned.

Symphony No. 3 tries to capture the realistic sounds of certain parts of the extermination process in Auschwitz as well as the emotions one might feel when thinking about the tragedies.

I do not think I need to explain what you hear in my music, the titles suggest it rather clearly themselves. The piece is mainly inspired by the works of Arnold Schönberg, Dmitri Shostakovich, Arthur Honegger, Bela Bartók, Howard Hanson, Howard Howells and James MacMillan.

Only one last thought I will share: never look away when the evil shows you its face. Remember it and recognize it when it tries to show itself again. Never look away. Never forget.